Ziztel is selected for a major gas development project located in Oman

Ziztel is selected for a major gas development project located in Oman. The prestigious ‘tight’ gas development will incorporate a 1200 mmscfd (34 mcmd) gas processing plant, export pipelines, provision of 300-400 wells, 600 km of flow lines and gathering systems over the life of the initiative. The N + 1 system is designed to provide routine and emergency speech broadcasts from three master operator access units to over 1300 loudspeakers strategically placed over the site and interfaces are incorporated to allow PABX access and Supervisory management.
Nick Blach – General Manager – explained that the package was fast tracked through the Ziztel manufacturing facilities to ensure build and test met project critical time scales. The central rack carries 22 on line 350-500A CLASS G high integrity voice amplifiers (incorporating auto hot standby) enabling a power density 11kW in a single Rittal rack bay. Dual AC primary / secondary mains input feeders and N + 1 power supply conversion ensure no break autonomy.
LEFT: The central rack staged for witness FAT in our factory in Nottingham UK, the system management features a highly robust fully configurable core which eliminates dependence on chip exchanges and sequentially executed code. Note the tiny size of the Ziztel 350-500A Class G amplifier modules, up to four sub racks can be fitted in a single 19 inch rack providing an ultimate power density exceeding 18kW. The right hand bay is prepared as an MDF main distribution frame allowing convenient marshalling of the field circuit multi core cables.