Ziztel is a UK based manufacturer of specialised CCTV Systems and Public Address & General Alarm (PAGA) Systems for the following global markets:

Oil & Gas
Renewable Energy



Robust, Proven, Global 

Three-word marketing is an intentional way of explaining to both our staff and customers the main focus and emphasis of Ziztel in this chapter of our development journey. For our first decade Ziztel used the phrase “Innovation in Communication Systems”. This was because primary importance was to show Ziztel was a dynamic company, investing heavily, moving forward in developing products that would advance technology in our business. Whilst this has not changed, and investment continues to grow we have decided to change our three words so that we can now put the spotlight on how far we have come:

Robust – our camera and PAGA products are well designed. They have moved technologies forward in areas such as reliability, ease of maintenance and are ultimately fit for these heavy industrial and hazardous applications.

Proven – now field proven, Ziztel have sold and support many, many systems. They are operating in the harshest environments globally and the most prestigious projects globally are now choosing Ziztel as their technology partner.

Global – we have supplied projects and installed in countries right across the world including Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, USA, Canada, Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Algeria, Tunisia, Vietnam, China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, UAE, Oman, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Norway, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Japan, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Australia and South Korea. This list grows every month which is exciting !



ZIZTEL provides a complete package from bespoke project engineering, detailed design, manufacture, system build, factory acceptance testing, site installation and commissioning. In addition, we provide full systems training supporting our clients and setting up long term maintenance agreements.

Our main route to market and customer base is internationally through large Telecoms Systems Integrators or Security Systems Integrators.

Please feel free to browse our website. If you need any further information please contact us or request an on line live demonstration hosted by our engineering team.


Ziztel solve the huge problem in our industry of the cost of upgrading and expanding legacy technologies. For CCTV our products are equipped with multiple protocols allowing expansion of competitor systems.

For PAGA/Main Broadcast Systems we have supplied many hybrid solutions incorporating older equipment in our designs or replacing the head end with the modern, remotely configurable Ziztel system