Ziztel manufacture and deliver a range of fit for purpose cost effective systems to meet the exacting requirements of the marine communications market.
Vessel GA
Alarm system
The Ziztel GA alarm system can be supplied stand alone or combined with a Ziztel MT50-20 Public address / talkback system and distributes both acoustic and visual alarm signals to all parts of the vessel. The GA package includes flush or surface mount alarm initiate push button stations, sounders / beacons for internal / external service and central control panel. Interface to Fire detection panel and Public address system is included.

Designed specifically for the marine market
MT50-20’s facilities:
Public Address / Paging for up to 4 broadcast zones of address
Interface to Fire detection system
General Alarm integration Abandon and General alarm tones either manually or automatically initiated
Talkback intercom stations – up to 20 x subscriber sets
Interface to PABX Telephone system
Interface to Entertainment system

The Ziztel MT50-20 supports up to two master operator positions (expandable) with the access panel fitted with a ‘gooseneck’ microphone or ‘fist’ microphone.
Privacy intercom is fitted to enable two way speech between master access units as well as a selected talk back position. ‘All call’, routine and emergency public address voice paging complete the package.
Please contact us for more information about this product or download the data sheets under Combined Talkback intercom / PAGA / Paging Datasheets on our products page