Ziztel design and manufacture secure reliable two way voice communication packages for use on Drilling rig installations.
The drilling operation is a highly dangerous operation carried out in extremely aggressive environmental conditions this, with the potentially explosive atmosphere and risk of fire, means that effective communications between the drilling crew is critical and is therefore an essential pre-requisite to rig safety.
Ziztel offer a secure communications package designed specifically to meet the highly specialised needs of the drilling industry – MT50.

Based on the ‘keep it simple’ philosophy, the unique conditions found on a rig dictate a system that is engineered and packaged specifically for this critical market rather than equipment that is designed for general industrial usage.
The Ziztel drillers intercom system is based on many years of experience working in the Offshore / Petrochemical industry and the detail knowledge gained of drilling rig operational requirements.
The major features are as follows:
Must be simple – NO complex operating systems, call plans, gimmicks.
Hands Free Operation.
Robust ‘Shout-back’ stations.
Simple person machine interfaces i.e. NO keypads, minimal subscriber controls.
Any controls fitted shall be capable of being operated by gloved hand.
Electronics / system management central switch shall be located in one position allowing simple maintenance with minimal disturbance to crew during service.
System shall be energised at one position no distributed mains supply requirements.
Simple field cable architecture i.e. star wired with each subscriber discreetly wired back to the central switch.
Standard field interconnecting cable – 1 x pair cable used where ever practical.
Priority of operation always from the Driller position [Dog house].
Simple totally passive field equipment wherever possible.
Tailored stations to meet client specific requirements – example customised microphone panels to locate in the confines of the drillers cabin console / chair.
ATEX certified Zone 1 potentially explosive hazardous areas.
High Power 150 Watt Amplifier.
Intelligible Speech in noisy environment.

MT50 Explosion proof central switch, the entire system is managed and powered from this single position.
The Ziztel MT50 Drillers Intercom Talkback system is designed to serve requirements from basic one way driller to drill floor shout / paging / public address – to multiple subscriber networks. For systems requiring greater capacity than the base MT50 the MT50-20-MA-D is available which supports up to twenty stations with possibility to extend in increments of twenty subscriber sets for larger projects.
The MT50-20-D option combines the talkback intercom with Tetra radio providing an integrated communications package.
Derrick man / Drilling two way voice communication is essential for safety and efficient rig operations, Ziztel MT50 provides a reliable cost effective solution
See TDS-009 for further information
Derrick man / Drilling two way voice communication is essential for safety and efficient rig operations, Ziztel MT50 provides a reliable cost effective solution
See TDS-009 for further information

Please contact us for more information about this product or download the MT-50 brochure. Visit our Products Page for data sheets on all related Drilling rig communication products.