All about our services, installation
and commissioning processes.
The acoustic performance of the site voice and alarm PAGA broadcast package is dependent on the quantity, type, location and power setting of the system loudspeakers. An acoustic performance study from Ziztel Ltd is therefore a critical part of PAGA system design to ensure predictable audibility of alarm tone signals and intelligibility / clarity of broadcast speech. From the study the PAGA system can be accurately sized, with amplification, power sub system and cable infrastructure assigned accordingly. Where the site suffers from high ambient noise, visual annunciators are strategically placed to ensure that staff working in these locations are aware of emergency alarm and speech broadcasts as and when they arise.
Ziztel Ltd are able to perform ‘on site’ Acoustic surveys to assess operational conditions of either existing PAGA system performance or specification of a new build PAGA package. Our trained engineers are fully offshore certified and are able to travel to visit sites on a worldwide basis.

Installation & Commissioning
Ziztel are able to provide the full package which includes system installation as well as pre commissioning, system commissioning and hand over as required. Many of our system deliveries are destined for life safety service, often operating in potentially explosive atmospheres, hence it is essential that the package is correctly and safely set up, tested and formally handed over. Performance and safety can only be guaranteed by provision of qualified engineering staff who are certified and trained to set the equipment to work. Ziztel have qualified engineers who are able to travel worldwide and we have dedicated training courses available to ensure that service and maintenance persons are fully conversant with the Ziztel package.